Fitness and Fat Loss information from Harrogate Personal Trainer Nathan Lee Garnham.

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Friday, 30 April 2010

Recently it has been suggested (by research scientists and aging specialists) that the body is designed to live for 120 years-- disease-free!!!

It has also been suggested that we should live to a ripe old age without wrinkles, age spots, gray hair, thin hair, senility, poor memory, bone and joint disorders, heart problems, lung problems, digestive problems, kidney and liver problems, nervousness, shakiness, vision problems, hearing problems, varicose veins, weakness, fatigue, aches and pains, prostate problems, cancer, or low sex drive.

Crazy huh? we're acually designed to live predominantly disease free for much longer than currently expected...

It would seem that the key factor to reversing or preventing disease is maintaining an acid-alkaline balance in the body. When this balance is maintained, the body is a well-oxygenated healthy environment.

An acidic body has thick blood that becomes sticky and does not oxygenate properly. The cells cannot dispose of waste products and so the body's ability to heal itself is impaired. This impairment is characterized by sick blood, diseased cells, inflammation, excess body fat and suppressed immune functions.

Acidic blood blocks vitamin absorption and starves your body of essential nutrients, creates toxic buildup in clogged cells, slows down organ function and makes you feel sluggish and weak, prevents proper digestion and creates excess gas and bloating, causes unhealthy weight gain, speeds the aging process and makes you look older.

These conditions are ideal for contracting and breeding various microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeasts and parasites as well as being a causal factor in many 21st century disease states.

The Scientist suggest that no illness can be cured without balancing body detoxification by flushing excess acid waste from the body. If we are too acidic, we are unhealthy; and if we are totally acidic, we are dead!

So how does acidity occur in the body?

High acidity enters our bodies by eating processed foods, pre-packaged foods, sugary foods, white flour products [including pastas], dairy products [including milk, cheese, ice cream], alcoholic beverages, drugs, processed table salt, foods grown and processed with pesticides, preservatives, antibiotics, or hormones. Meats, including beef, chicken and turkey, also promote acidity.

Because of the acid overload in our environment, most of our drinking water now contains acid. Even stress creates excess acid. If you’re not getting enough sleep or exercise or are facing lifestyle changes, you probably have more acid than your body can handle. Your cells are absorbing acidic toxins much faster than you can get rid of them through your colon, lungs, skin and kidneys.

Scary, so what can I do?

* First and foremost clean up your diet.
* Eat from predominantly unprocessed sources (nothing in a packet or a tin).
* Cut out or reduce wheat consumption.
* Limit red meat consumption and consume only grass fed varieties.
* Limit Dairy.
* Limit or remove stimulants (caffeine/alcohol).
* Eat organic foods as often as possible.
* Eat predominantly raw foods (salads/vegetables/fruits/nuts).
* Consume greens drinks (see your local health store).
* Consume alkalising salts (again see health stores or google it).
* Drink clean (ideally filtered) water.
* Get to bed by 10pm most nights of the week.

Do most or all those things and you will be well on your way to maximising your health, for more information on acid/alkaline balance check out:

The pH Balance Diet: Restore Your Acid-Alkaline Levels to Eliminate Toxins and Lose Weight

to your health and happiness


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