Often this is quickly followed up by...shouldn't I be doing more stomach exercises to reduce the fat around my middle?...
No...you shouldn't as you cant spot reduce through body part specific training.
Simply put removing body fat from your body is based on burning enough calories through exercise or activity and/or mildly restricting your caloric intake. These two processes place you in a calorie deficit so you start to lose weight.
Unfortunately your genetics will play a large part in where your body likes to store fat, and where it is happy to release it from, meaning that all your hard work frustrates you as it falls from the arms, the legs, the face practically anywhere except where you want it to.
So I can't spot reduce at all....I'm doomed to belly burdon?
Actually no....there is hope yet :)
Spot reduction is possible from site specific areas but not through exercise.
The key to abdominal fat loss comes down to the following:
Rebalancing your hormones:
The main hormonal culprit for belly fat storage is cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that when chronically elevated encourages our body to store nutrients from our diet as fat around the belly. This stress can be anything from sitting in the same frustrating traffic each day, an overly busy job, or being a night owl.
So how can I reduce my cortisol levels?
Your first aim is to get to sleep by 10-10.30pm most nights of the week. Cortisol levels tend to elevate sharply after this time in the evening (this is often why we can then stay awake in to the early hours) which means we dont get into the deeper restorative sleep that our body needs to reduce stress levels. It also leaves us with higher levels of stress the next day...gradually fatiging the body and making it harder for us to burn fat.
Find time to relax: reduce your stress levels through massage, relaxation, reading, yoga, meditation, whatever it takes to switch off from the world.
Assist your body to fight stress and rebalance your hormones with supplementation:
-most of us will benefit from a multivitamin (particularly B-complex vitamins) magnesium and zinc.
-those with long term stress that they know wont immediately change should look to theanine (found in green tea or capsules), magnolia bark, PMF's (citrus peel supplement). all of which will assist with relaxation and improved sleep (choose one and follow dosage advice).
-if you are under a particularly large amount of stress (sudden deadlines etc) then ashwagandha, ginseng, or rhodiola may be necessary until the stressor is removed.
beyond the supplementation I would also recommend removing stimulants such as caffeine (from tea, coffee, cola's etc) and engage in shorter bouts of exercise (as long bouts raise cortisol levels) regularly.
I hope this helps guys, if you follow the advice here you will put yourself in a stronger position to remove the unwanted belly fat from your body.
For further information on cortisol control try the following books:
to your health and happiness