Fitness and Fat Loss information from Harrogate Personal Trainer Nathan Lee Garnham.

Helping friends, family and followers to achieve awesome results in minimal time.


Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Athletic physique week 12: the final pictures

Hey guys,

thank you for following me through my journey :) your support both here, on facebook and in person has been a huge help towards keeping me on track towards my goal.

I started this mini challenge as I have been unable to commit to playing football this year so wanted a push into regular weight training to ensure I continue to practice what I preach :)

The Program

Big thanks go out to Bryan Kavanagh whose athletic physique program I have been following:

I found the program to be well organised, easy to follow, challenging and progressive which is exactly what I was looking for and the range and type of exercises involved meant it was fun to follow too (well, if you like this kinda thing like me).

The goal:

My main target was to get my body fat below 10% and to start to look more defined and athletic (As a personal trainer I felt I should look the part as well as being generally fit)

The results:

Success :) I managed to take my bodyfat down to 9.4% my shape has changed a fair bit and my abs are begining to show so i'm pretty pleased. More so than the physical appearance changes, I have enjoyed how much stronger I feel. Before starting I could barely throw together a set of 10 chin ups (the easier ones with the palms facing towards you) whereas now I am performing chin ups with weights between my feet and can do 5-6 wide grip pull ups with pretty good form. Being able to achieve these exercises is just as pleasing as the physical changes :)

The Pictures:

Week 1
Week 12

Let me know what you think with a comment below or some feedback on facebook :)

Thanks Guys,
